Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Treps on Tumblr

I heard Tumblr this and Tumblr that...then we got one! Check out the Trepapoalos on Tumblr!!!
Same focus and attention, more ignorance and swag (#fuckswag)!!!

Viva Los Treps!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Man OverBoard

Man Overboard

I watched
As my youth was charted
Like a highway route
Crossing all major neighborhoods
Pit stopping for the subterranean
In the hopes of discovering
The truth behind
"What's tough enough?"

As a child I was told,
Man up!
To me, that was tough.
Displaying masculinity with the 'cuffs
Shooting the five without the interrupts
Except that became my familiar route
To evaluate the measure of the toughness in my youth

Not tough enough is what
Got my mother cussed
When or if she protested

Got Ronnie Barnes killed
And big Ron's front teeth knocked out
After he was put into a sleeper hold

Tough enough
Got brothers snuffed for playing tough
Got sisters pushed for not being pushovers
Got friends locked up for protesting causes
Got neighborhoods removed
Then moved to somewhere else
A place some people call --
A better neighborhood

Tough enough
Got babies wanting to be grown before they grow.
Got men receding growth cause they can't envision the view.

Tough enough
Taught genders to switch roles
And, then disregard the meanings of such.
Removed the hearts of fathers
Causing them to forget to say I love you
In the morning afternoon or evening

Tough enough
Never taught me much
So how was I expected to know Tough enough could never be enough
When I was told,
Man up!

Viva Los Treps!!!

The Argument...

The Argument

The owner must be a fling!
Barely one seam
On these THINGS
No space
For a tag
Oh my God, what a skank!
Could wear
Such a THING
She continued to scream,
"They look like wire
For a
Circus contortionist
Are THESE!",
She repeated the order.
Must be yours he retorted
And then... she fumed,
Don't wear
Skanky THINGS!"
And with the resolve of a king,
A man possessed by a dream,
He replied:
Maybe u should

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

2Pac and Marley: Sold!

Acrylic on Posterboard
32" X 40"

Acrylic on Posterboard
32" X 40"

Shout out to HyDef Dee!!! My guy now owns two of my favorite paintings!

Viva Los Treps!!!

You do the math...

Can we stop the nonsense now...?

Viva Los Treps!!!

I Fux wit this...

Saw this posted up in a few spots in BK. I'm feelin it! Message me if you are or know who this is...

Viva Los Treps!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

21 Mercer Nike Design Studio

B.I.G. said it the best... "It was all a dream..."

Extra-special shout out to Barnes, Will, Salehe, IZ and the ladies from Leaders HS (No KELLZ!!!)

Viva Los Treps!!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bushmills Ad = Men @ Work

Walking from Pearl Paint (and gettin dodi) saw this ad being painted. Well done (almost), Bushmills.

Viva Los Treps!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Air Jordan VII Bordeaux = "Retreaux"

This is the last pair of Jordan VII's to be retro'd in the OG colorway. MJ debuted these in the 1992 NBA Allstar Game (Magic's return with the "bubble") and he also wore these in the JAM video with the original MJ (RIP). I think the shoes speak for themselves...and they are screaming, "SWAG!!!" These will be re-released in April '11 (I already got mine).

Viva Los Treps!!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Maddalena Di Gregorio = God Body

The Confessional


ThRust Me

Maddalena Di Gregorio, Canadian of Italian descent, was raised in Montreal, Vancouver and Toronto.
Maddalena ’s artistic research has led her to experiment with different mediums producing works that range from photography, to sculpture and multimedia installations. Using traditional techniques, new technology, experimenting with new shapes and materials.


Viva Los Treps!!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

BONUS!!! (late pass for you slow-heads)

"Best video of the year"
-Kanye West

"I'm a hot and bothered astronaut
crashin while jackin off"
-Earl Sweatshirt

MellowHype - CopKiller (Ft.Earl Sweatshirt) MP3 Download

...third verse, Earl Sweatshirt puts on a strait-jacket!

Viva Los Treps!!!

The Kids Are Alright: OFWGKTA gets signed!

"Use a f*ckin coaster, next time!"
-Tyler, The Creator

Get familiar here.

Viva Los Treps!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Dee + Nash = Carter J.

The Treps would like to welcome the newest addition to the Baby Treps:
Master Carter J. Becton
Born, February 12 @ 10:43am

Congrats again to Nashone and Donya Becton!

Viva Los Treps!!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Amber Rose = Geez Louise! (NSFW)

I try to stay away from gossip, tabloid-ish...but she is freakin' banana-cakes!!! (bites fist)

More images here.

Viva Los Treps!!!